Our Nevada CWP Classes are single-day classes, usually on Saturday (unless you want a private class) and begin around 8am. Current available class dates are shown below. Private classes are customized to meet your schedule.

Next regularly scheduled Nevada Concealed Carry Class – Saturday, January 11th, 2025 – 8:30AM (-CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF INTEREST-)

PRIVATE CLASS – Contact us with your needs, depending on the week we can probably accommodate a weekday or a Saturday. ($100 per person)

The cost for a regularly scheduled Saturday class in only $75 (Private or Semi-Private Class on any other day is $100) and gives you everything you need to apply for a carry permit at the Sheriff’s Office. Ready to Enroll? Go to our Contact page to sign up or ask a question.

Our training can qualify you for permits from multiple other states as well. Check the reciprocity maps at www.usacarry.com to see where your permit is valid. Add a certificate of training valid in other states for $10 or an official NRA Certificate for $25. Ask us for details.

Already have a Nevada permit and just need a renewal? Click here.